Winds that are profound, astonishing, moving
and ferocious can least describe hurricanes. Men under pressure that are depressed because of repressions
and have become incarcerated for the crimes of others are affected by hurricanes. Omissions and commissions
that have been hidden that the evil of mankind may not be discovered and the valor of the right may remain hidden.
Fixed trials yielding guilty verdicts, that the innocent may lose their freedom. Years, physical
and mental of incarceration cannot make the innocent guilty. All the plotting, all the ducks lined up and
all the kings’ men cannot keep a ray of truth from breaking through darkness. One book in the right place
awaiting the right hands to retrieve it that the trinity may awaken at God’s command. One occurrence
that opens the eyes of the many, that the hidden iniquities of the shielded may be revealed. Yes the indomitable
spirit of a man can move one Court Justice with courage to do the right thing. As light overshadow and
blot out darkness in its appropriate time, so will truth. No thing and nothing can stay WhYh’s justice.
Just one ray of light need shine on forged evidence and hidden lies that time and chance may deliver
the innocent. Hurricanes come and go as does the mighty, but the indomitable spirit of the righteous cannot
be destroyed. Although hurricanes are filled with power, might and uncertainty they must cease at God’s
command. They reshape lives in the whisper of a minute and alter dry places in seconds; yet God can restore
humanity lost and replenish the physical and mental lands by one command. Mankind may fall, but by faith
He can rise again. Storm winds will blow, yet the house will remain standing, if its’ walls are reinforced
by His Spirit. Since life too is filled with many hurricanes, think it not strange when some alter
your life and place you in harms way. For mankind was not created to please self, but to serve God’s
purposes any day and in His way, that His story might unfold. Remember the indomitable spirit of man,
when you are tried by life’s hurricanes. Keep in mind that they can serve to free men from themselves
and the indiscretions of others. They can also alter history that His story may be told His way.
Just stand firm and remain grounded when hurricanes come and you too will be vindicated, rise victorious
and become a vessel used for His purposes. Presented To: Rubin Carter (Movie “The
Clever as a fox, but in the most honest way. The chameleon has nothing on her, for she is adaptive
yet not deceitful. Being a hard worker, she does not engage in business as usual. It
is neither her style nor playing games. Instead, no nonsense is the flavor of the day when you deal with
this woman. She has the sleekness of a jungle CAT and is
a visionary. You see CAT NEW, she knew before you did what the game of life was about. Attempting to fool CAT is a waste of time. Catherine B. New,
this rambunctious feline can see in the dark the maneuvers of fools that think they know it all. She sits
back in an easy chair, with those cattish eyes and sees others heading for a fall. She warns, but few listen.
Most think they know everything and she nothing. Yeah, “CAT NEW”, she knew the storm
was approaching and prepared for it. That is why it is called “CATLIKE BUSINESS”. Please do not think that this wonderful woman glides through life without challenges.
It is her cleverness and jaguar adeptness that moves her around the tricks of enemies. Her golden
mane is disguised by the adaptability of the chameleon. Now you see me now you don’t.
These terms describe the lady called Catherine B. New. When
you feel a breeze pass you and you see nothing, just remember that it is nothing but CATLIKE BUSINESS, CATLIKE BUSINESS passing
your way.
We live, exist, be, do, strive for and become. Young
and old all come and go. Beauty, fame, rich, unknown, loved and unloved all die. Why
so young, so educated, so marvelous, so loveable and not ready do they die? Perhaps there is an unseen
purpose, an unseen script that we have missed in our hurried lives? What could it be? What
purpose is intended? I was born to be loved and love in return. I brought pleasure and
was given it in return. Yet I was born to be in this place, at this time and with this person, that I might
unbuckle a seatbelt, give a hug, a hand or throw out a lifeline that another may live. Around once we go
it is for the big guy. Jesus the only begotten Son of God was many things, but He was born to die that
we may have life eternal. Moses the Prince of Egypt and Hebrew was born to lead God’s people out
of Egypt and into the Promised Land. We too are born for a purpose that only God knows and when we have
fulfilled our purpose, we too shall be called home. For we are born for a purpose and to that end we do
live. Dedicated
to the memory of the three youth that had their lives taken on the Long Island Expressway, New York on 12/31/1998. Also the Courageous Firefighters EMS Workers, Police Officers & Innocent People Who had their lives taken on September 11, 2001
Questions, questions and more questions are
asked when the name Cherry Lane is mentioned. What is it? Where can it be found?
Who lives there? When does it appear and how can one gain access to it? It is the popular, cool and in place to be. It is a state of readiness
and togetherness. Everything is done today, tonight, in one hour or right now. Swiftness and confidence are friends of Cherry Lane, but slow footedness and faintness are
enemies. This place of grace is in the hearts of men, women and children.
It is a place where prestige and money take a back seat to character. This place challenges our
ability to perform, and exists in the will of those that believe. Visionaries, brave hearts and those that
can distinguish the voice of God from that of mankind reside there. When the call is made for worthy and immediate actions, Cherry Lane will appear. For only Cherry
Lane can give you access. You cannot of yourself walk on this lane, but you must be called upon and graced
to walk there. Cherry Lane does not allow time for heavy reflecting,
since it is a place of immediacy. Losers are weepers and believers are receivers. Quit
and I cannot do not exist on Cherry Lane. She that is, will not allow one to quit, take a back seat or
disappear. Cherry keeps pushing, bringing you along and believing in you. She prays
that God strengthen and keep you. Walking on Cherry’s Lane has a price.
It calls for remembrance. Forget me not; forget me not when you arrive at your hour of greatness.
Thank God if you are fortunate enough to find yourself on Cherry’s Lane. Dedicated To: Cherryanne Weinstein